Varee Chiangmai International is a modern school, located in the cultural city of Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand.The school is well equipped with the latest educational resources, led by a team of dedicated educators and fully accredited by the UK-based Education Development Trust and Cambridge International Examinations.
Teacher-student ratio:1:10 for kindergarten
Secondary school teacher-student ratio 1:12
Start time: January and August every year
Class size: Maximum 25 students in a class, about 25% Chinese students
School System: British program
Boarding Service:x
Entry difficulty:⭐⭐⭐⭐
Chinese Service:x
School Bus Service:x
Academic Structure:Cambridge Courses International GCSE A-Level English Courses
Number of students:320
Faculty: Teaching staff from UK, Ireland, USA, South Africa and Australia
Graduate Pathways: Over 35% of our graduates go on to the top 50 universities in the world
More than 35% of graduates are admitted to the top 50 universities in the world
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