Buds International School Phuket is a boutique Primary, Kindergarten and Nursery. The school is now in a new location, beautiful building, clean air and safe environmental area. They cater to children between the ages of 18 months and 12 years. Apart from all the exciting extracurricular activities, they offer small classes (for a more dedicated learning experience), an English focused education (using the common core standard (American) curriculum) and MAP Growth program (to ensure quality academic progress).
Date of establishment:Early 1990s
Teacher-student ratio: 1:3
Start time: January and August every year
Class size: 12 students
School System:American System
Boarding Service:x
Entry difficulty:⭐⭐
Chinese service:x
School bus service:√
Academic Program:American System
Number of students:unknown
Faculty:Each class is staffed by an experienced native English teacher with a university degree and a Thai teaching assistant
Graduates Going: Unknown
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